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Patio Door Security Latches

You can now order these latches online!  Just visit our online store and order directly from us with your credit card.

Why should you get patio door security latches?


Proven patio security. The lock used by millions in hotels and resorts worldwide, the Engert’s patio door latch is fast becoming the most sought-after lock for sliding glass doors. Engert’s latches provide the maximum in patio door security without the need for keys, chains, or spring-loaded mechanisms. Easy to use latches that mount anywhere along the frame for convenient accessibility.

Engert’s patio door latches feature a 9/32" steel rod handle and zinc die-cast mounting plates. These latches are available in four styles and in four different finishes: white, black, brass, and nickel. Choose from Stock No. 4 SDL for extra tight corners (1/2 inch shackle width), No. 5 SDL for tight corners (3/4 inch shackle width). No. 10 SDL for most corner applications (1-1/4 inch shackle width), or No. 20 SDL for offset mounting (2 inch shackle width), Mounting screws in matching colors provided.